
Israeli fighter jets strike Yemen targets after fatal drone attack

Israeli fighter jets struck targets in western Yemen in response to a fatal drone attack by the Houthi rebels in Tel Aviv. The strikes targeted fuel storage facilities and a power station in the port city of Hodeidah, a Houthi stronghold. The Israeli army claimed that these strikes were in response to the numerous attacks carried out against Israel over recent months.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Hodeidah was being used as an entry point for Houthi militia to receive Iranian weapons. The Israeli military said it carried out the strikes independently and that their allies were informed.

Houthi spokesperson Mohammed Abdulsalam accused Israel of blatant aggression, targeting critical infrastructure in Yemen. He stated that these attacks were an attempt to increase the suffering of the Yemeni people and pressure Yemen to stop supporting Gaza.

Health officials in Yemen reported that at least 80 people were wounded, mostly with severe burns, in the strikes in Hodeidah. Al-Masirah TV, a media outlet controlled by the Houthi rebels, claimed that the strikes caused deaths and injuries, including severe burns, and led to widespread power cuts in the area.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, sparked by attacks in southern Israel, has resulted in thousands of deaths and created a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The situation remains tense as both sides continue to engage in military actions.

The international community has raised concerns about the situation, with accusations that Iran is arming the Houthi rebels. Ceasefire talks in Cairo have shown some progress, but the conflict remains volatile with no clear resolution in sight.


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